Tuesday 17 September 2013

Week 8 - EXP 1 Final Scenes

Travelling to Paradise Island

Walking On The Wharf

Exclusive Resort

Fish House

Fish House

Week 8 - EXP 1 Submission + Trailer + Crysis File

The Strategy

The letter and number combination for my island is E and 0. I have used 3 strategies to reveal and concealment, placement of objects, shadows and the shape of the terrain. The island is the shape of an E and two 0(zero) by life like island formation, with smaller islands. Objects are strategically placed objects with natural and man made to shape up my letter and number. 

Paradise Island




Fish House


Crysis File:

*Note use CryEngine3 version 3.5.3

Week 7- Reflection.

Week 6 - Independent Study + Reflection

Reflection on Lecture (Movement)

Week 5 - The Subliminal

Write a paragraph describing your strategy for the concealing and the revealing of your letter / number combination, to be embedded into your island.

My strategy for concealing and revealing my letter (E) and number (0)zero combination is to have a mixture of some numbers and letters being very subtle  to the point where it is impossible to see it but a few will be slightly clear and achieve a realistic island through different techniques ranging from macro to micro by the use of natural form of the island, shadows, rock formations, objects and literal. I want my island to be elegant and sophisticated but it will be quite difficult to achieve with a number 0, I will have to further experiment as some other letters and numbers will be used out of man- made objects

Complete a full draft of the outcomes required for EXP1. See the OUTPUTS section of the EXP1 brief for what is required; a full draft includes all of those outputs. While each of the outputs might not be finished they do need to present a clear indication of the strengths and opportunities of the scheme.
Reflection on lecture